Suche in
Byrne, Sahara: Katz, Sherri Jean: Lee, Theodore: Linz, Daniel: MacIlrath, Mary: Peers, predators, and porn: Prediciting parental underestimation of children's risky online experiences. [2014]
Niederdeppe, Jeff: Byrne, Sahara: Avery, Rosemary J.: Cantor, Jonathan: Direct-to-consumer television advertising exposure, diagnosis with high cholesterol, and statin use. [2013]
Byrne, Sahara: Gay, Geri: Pollack, J. P.: Gonzales, Amy: Retelny, Daniela: u.a.: Caring for mobile phone-based virtual pets can influence youth eating behaviors. [2012]
Riddle, Karyn: Cantor, Joanne: Byrne, Sahara: Moyer-Guse, Emily: "People killing people on the news": Young children's descriptions of frightening television news content. [2012]
Cantor, Joanne: Byrne, Sahara: Moyer-Guse, Emily: Riddle, Karyn: Descriptions of media-induced fright reactions in a sample of US elementary school children. [2010]
Potter, W. James: Byrne, Sahara: Media literacy. [2009]
Riddle, Karyn: Cantor, Joanne: Byrne, Sahara: Moyer-Guse, Emily: Young children's fright reactions to violence, war, and conflict in the news. [2008]
Byrne, Sahara: Linz, Daniel: Potter, W. James: Investigating the boomerang effect in anti-aggression media literacy interventions. [2008]
Cantor, Joanne: Byrne, Sahara: Moyer-Guse, Emily J.: Riddle, Karyn E.: Young children's descriptions of their media-induced fright reactions. [2007]
Potter, W. James: Byrne, Sahara: What are media literacy effects? [2007]
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